Voditeljica projekta:
doc. dr. sc. Marina Novina, Fakultet filozofije i religijskih znanosti, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Suradnici na projektu:
prof. dr. sc. Anto Gavrić, Fakultet filozofije i religijskih znanosti, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, voditelj Instituta sv. Tome Akvinskog
dr. sc. Marijana Kolednjak, Fakultet filozofije i religijskih znanosti, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
prof. dr. sc. Rea Fulgosi Masnjak, Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
dr. sc. Ana Grgić, Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb
izv. prof. dr. sc. Saša Horvat, Medicinski fakultet, Katedra za društvene i humanističke znanosti u medicini, Sveučilište u Rijeci
Tihana Iviček, Amigdala centar, Zagreb
dr. sc. Mijo Nikić, Internacionalna akademija nauka i umjetnosti u Bosni i Hercegovini
prof. dr. sc. Krešo Peračković, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb
What Drives Human Behavior?
Description and Goals of the Project
Emotions and motivation are said to be driving forces necessary at psychological and social levels, in all life circumstances, and at every stage of life. However, these concepts are inseparable from many other familiar notions such as will, mind, affects, and so forth, and they are part of a long history of attempts to answer a question that remains equally relevant today: What drives human behavior? Philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, biologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists, among others, have attempted to answer this question. This project brings together experts from these fields who, as part of the development of dialogue between philosophy, sciences, culture, and society, recognize that it is scientifically relevant and socially beneficial to achieve the following objectives: (a) explore and present the most well-known answers to the posed question, from various scientific perspectives and historical periods, and make the results of this research available through scholarly publications; (b) provide practical support to the broader social community, and (c) open a discussion and stimulate dialogue about the significance of emotions and motivation within a religious context.
Project Activities:
To achieve the desired objectives, the participants of the project “What drives human behavior?” will organize the following activities throughout February and March 2024: (a) a series of workshops “School of Emotions and Motivation,” (b) a series of panel discussions “Triggered from Above: Emotions, Motivation, and Religion,” and (c) an international conference “Emotions and Motivation – Drivers of Behavior.”
We also invite you to actively participate in achieving the goals of this project, discover details about the mentioned events, follow announcements, and access the project’s results by clicking on the respective menus.
School of Emotions and Motivation
Triggered from Above: Emotions, Motivation, and Religion
Emotions and Motivation – Drivers of Behavior
Project Leader:
Assoc. Prof. Marina Novina, PhD, Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Zagreb