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Akademska mobilnost doc. dr. sc. Marine Novina u Istanbul

Od 28. svibnja 2023. do 03. lipnja 2023. doc. dr. sc. Marina Novina s Fakulteta filozofije i religijskih znanosti u sklopu akademske mobilnosti nastavnika Sveučilišta u Zagrebu boravila je u Istanbulu.

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Gostujuće predavanje doc. dr. sc. Marine Novina na Akademiji znanosti u Pragu

U sklopu akademske mobilnosti prema Faculty of Arts, Charles University u Pragu od 28. ožujka 2022. do 02. travnja 2022. doc. dr. sc. Marina Novina održala je 30. ožujka 2022. godine gostujuće predavanje za studente, nastavnike i djelatnike Instituta za filozofiju Akademije znanosti Češke republike na temu Towards the Science of Science: On the Importance of Philosophical, Psychological and Sociological Aspects of Science.

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Erasmus + nastavnička mobilnost prema Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Od 28. veljače 2022. do 05. ožujka 2022. doc. dr. sc. Marina Novina je provela pet dana na Erasmus + mobilnosti za poučavanje i trening na Institutu za filozofiju na Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie.

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U sklopu Akademske mobilnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu doc. dr. sc. Ines Skelac boravila je na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Beogradu u razdoblju od 11. do 15. listopada 2021. godine. 

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Beyza Celtik (Gazi University, Turkey) at Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies

This was one of my dreams – to experience Erasmus+ Exchange and to learn about the education system of a different country. I made effort for this and I was very happy that the University of Zagreb accepted me to come. University of Zagreb has many different faculties expanded through the city, most of them in the city center and my faculty is located close to the Maksimir Park. The University of Zagreb has an old-established and high-quality education system. The faculty I visited was Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies. I picked mostly Philosophy courses. Good thing I could say about this Faculty is that it feels like family, everyone knows each other and professors communicate very well with students. I didn’t have a hard time fitting in because of such sincere atmosphere. My professors were very helpful, understandable and some of my courses were in English, which made me happy for my development in English. I loved spending quality time at my Faculty and talking to my colleagues. They were helpful with any of my questions. When I see them generally we were making deep analysis about life and different topics and learning a lot from each other. There were some Symposiums happening at our Faculty and I had the chance to attend some of them. They were instructive and worthwhile visiting. (like a 6. međunarodni transdisciplinarni simpozij “Bioetika i aporije psihe” , Interdisciplinary Approach to Body and Mind Research .) I would like to thank to my friends and professors who worked hard for this.

Particularly great thing in Croatia is that many people speak English but I also really enjoyed listening to people talk on Croatian. Sometimes Croatian Turcology students teach Croatian language the Turkish Erasmus students. This was a really special journey to me. There are also some common words in Croatian and Turkish language (like a böbrek, boya, džezva , maymun) :))  Now I realize that I have grown personally, when I compare the time I first came and the time when my mobility ended. In that short time I was here I have to say I was lucky I got this opportunity and I would like to thank for everything to the University of Zagreb, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Studies, to all of my professors, to my colleagues, to the administration referent for International relations and generally all the Faculty workers.

Hvala puno i srdačan pozdrav.

Greetings from Ankara.

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